The Great Legal Debate: Celebrities Discuss Legal Matters

As always, the public has been asking a lot of questions about legal matters. People want to know if playing loud music at night is legal, what the mobile home purchase agreement in Texas entails, and many more legal issues.

Angelina Jolie Mark Zuckerberg
Hey Mark, have you ever run into trouble with the law? Not really, but I’ve definitely dealt with a lot of legal issues due to the nature of my work.
Speaking of legal issues, do you know UK’s legal driving limit for alcohol units? Yes, I’m aware of it. It’s crucial to follow the legal limit to ensure safety on the road.
Angelina, do you know anything about law enforcement codes and regulations? Yes, I’ve been involved in many projects that required me to understand law enforcement codes and regulations.
And Mark, have you ever scraped Instagram data? Is it legal? I’ve never done it, but I know it’s a contentious legal issue. It’s best to stay informed about the legality of such actions.
Do you have any insight into the laws around trespassing and loitering? Yes, these laws are important to understand and respect to avoid any legal implications.


It’s clear that celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Mark Zuckerberg are very knowledgeable about legal matters. If you ever need expert legal advice, you know who to turn to!